This past month at the ranch has been good! As I am beginning to understand the flow of the ranch and begin to now recognize some of the children and families I am able to see how God is working in their lives.
Many days at the ranch are just "normal" if you know what I mean. Just like your life. There are not "spectacular" events that take place every day--or even every week. Just like you, I continue to be faithful where God has called me. To have a servant's heart, to be faithful in the seen and unseen tasks. To live each day to the fullest knowing that I may never know til I get to heaven what may have taken place that day in that child's or adults life. Sometimes tasks get mundane--but there are times when the Father is so gracious to give us a glimpse of what He is doing. This month has been a mixture of both for me. There are always chores, tasks, maintenance to be done that are "behind the scenes", but are integral to the ministry of the ranch. Replacing broken electrical plugs, cleaning water troughs, re stacking and bucking hay, putting in an air conditioner, watering the flowers and greenhouse, weeding (is that job EVER finished??!!)--each of these contribute to what the ranch is all about.
Each of the session times has the child and leader doing a "chore" before they are able to get a horse out. It is good for them to also be a part of helping keep the ranch free for any and all. It builds in them responsibility, a good work ethic, and the reward of knowing you have contributed and not just "taken".
This month I have had my heart melt when a child sees me and runs up to give me a hug and tells me they have missed me. To have a parent pull me aside and with tears say "Thank you, thank you for your time and positive input in my daughters life". To have a 14yr old young man be encouraged in his leadership skills as we share with him how he is following directions and that his horse recognizes that he is the "boss" all the while the two of them are having a grand time. The young gal I shared about in an earlier post: my "pooper scooper" friend finds me every time she comes and with the biggest smile possible and with her words running 100mph we go into the paddock to have fun together. Building relationships--earning trust--that is what life is about. It is about being who God created us to be, who He is growing us to be, and being willing to give and receive in relationships. As each one of us does our part, it will be like the Apostle Paul said: some plant, some water, and the Lord brings about the harvest. How exciting to be part of His plan!
The ranch takes people's birthdays seriously--well seriously funny! Yes, not only do you get the privilege of being "troughed" in the horse's drinking water, but we celebrate in other ways too! This young lady's birthday is not during the summer months and she had mentioned that fact so Laurie and I said--"Let's celebrate today"! So we did. She wanted to paint her horse and then go bareback riding. We all probably ended up with as much paint on us as was on her horse Lightfoot--and there was plenty of laughter and WATER mixed in! She gave Lightfoot a bath--and what did he promptly do? ROLLED in the sand and got dirty! Great memories were made! As we continue to build a relationship with her we pray that she will see, hear and know the love of Jesus!
As I mentioned in my last post we at the ranch had the privilege of going to Redding California for a long weekend of rest and fun! The couple who opens up their home are the adopted Grandparents of the ranch--and boy do they put on a feast of food, fun and relaxation! I can now say I have been in a "new" state, and experienced HOT MUGGY California! The temperature in the tent (with NO rain fly) exceeded the 125 degrees the thermometer would go!
We had a pellet gun marksman contest, slingshot contest (I have a GREAT deal of respect for anyone who can actually hit the target on that one!!), rubber band gun fights, crazy pool jumping, volleyball games, horseshoe games, tree swings and a day at the lake that included tubing and log rolling!! I ate SO MUCH food, laughed a whole lot, slept good in my tent while gazing at the stars, and was blessed to be around adopted Grandparents who gave us hugs and kisses goodnight :-). It was fun to interact with the ranch staff on a different level than work--and to just laugh and have fun! On Saturday morning 7 of us went hiking up Castle Crags. I tell you, if you have never been rock/mountain climbing--you need too! It just takes your breath away--the beauty of it, the awesomeness, and gives just another glimpse of our Creator's love. Round trip it is a 5.5 mile hike with a 2,200 foot elevation gain. Here are a few pictures that will give you a glimpse.

What a cool tree swing!!!
The first two miles or so were in the woods. Here is our first glimpse of the Castle Dome we were going to climb. Yup, it's kinda up there!

Along the way we took a small detour to Indian Springs--we could not see where they were coming from--they just "came" out of the depths of Castle Crag rock! WOW--it was tasty and COLD! Ya gotta dig my board shorts eh? :-)

That is the Castle Dome we were going to climb. From here it looks impossible.....

This is a closer shot---the ledge you see is the one we walked "around" to get up to the top. Often in our life things/people/events/circumstances seem impossible when we look at them from our perspective. However, as we trust the Lord and keep going--He makes a way for us that we could not see before. Sure, it is scary and sometimes dangerous--but we are never safer then when we are in the center of God's will.
Now that "ledge" looks a little more do-able doesn't it?
This is how our fearless leaders Kim and Troy Meeder taught us how to climb :-).
You go Troy!
OK, so those were "fun" pictures :-). This is more like how it went---we not only followed their directions, but they always gave us a hand--literally-- when we asked for it. Just like our Heavenly Father--He is always there to help us--it is our choice to reach out and take it.
Lookee--we DID all make it to the top! Here are the MEN!
The lovely LADIES!!
The Sister's coffee shop will be closing soon so I will sign off for now. Praise the Lord with me for how He is stretching and changing and growing me--and for the privilege to have a part in the ministry of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. I THANK you for your part in this season of my life--prayers, financial support, letters, care packages and phone calls. It is a privilege to be here, and I am grateful for this opportunity!
Keep smilin' and lookin' to Jesus with me!