Enjoy the tour!
Turning into the driveway. What you see to the left is driveway up to the ranch. The empty space is where everyone parks. To the right is the lower barn that was full of hay for the winter, but is now getting empty.
The words at the bottom of the sign are: Rescue . Mentor . Empower.
The main driveway to the ranch where everyone walks.
The rather steep and long walk up the greeters station. :-)
However, as you walk and look to your left you can see the horses in the main corral. To the right of the driveway is the winter corral for the younger/baby horses (I will show you where they are now later). Not sure what they use it for during the summer season, but currently staff and interns park in there to keep the bottom parking area open for visitors.
Another view.
YEAH, we made it up! Here is where everyone signs a release form before they go onto the ranch property.
While you sign in you can enjoy this view from the greeters station.
Directly behind the greeters station is the tack room (same building), and the main meeting barn is what is directly in front of you. Here is where the Tuesday fellowships take place, where the DVD for the tour is shown, and leader/child time takes place among other things.
To the far right you can just barely see the gate to Sandy Pants--a smaller arena that has sand for the horses to roll in. It is also used for session times.

Again, standing at the greeters station and looking to your left you see in the distance the main arena, and to the right is the main office.

A closer view of the gate to the main arena.

Again, standing at the greeters station and looking to your left you see in the distance the main arena, and to the right is the main office.
A closer view of the gate to the main arena.
The driveway between the arena and office that leads to the rear corral that has the baby/younger horses that are not used yet for sessions. Directly behind the office is the upper barn for hay storage, and adjacent to that is the tool shop.
The hill that you see in the background, is what I am told, the whole property looked like when the Meeder's purchased it. It was a cinder pit--used by the road commission to "gravel" the roads in the winter (they use no salt on their roads). To the right (that you can't see in the picture is another steep hill that levels out up top that the horses climb up and down. The Meeder's house is also to the right.
Here is the view standing from the office doorway. The farthest to the left snow capped mountain is Broken Top. The next is the South Sister, middle Sister and Northern Sister. Yes, these mountains are called the Three Sisters! :-). Incredible view isn't it?
This picture also shows some construction materials. PRAY as the permit needs to go through to add onto the office area.
Well, this took a LONG time to get all these pictures posted on here, so I have to hustle to get to work on time!
Thanks for your prayers!
Yahoo! Pictures! Thanks a lot, we enjoyed being able to "see" life as you see it each day! Have fun today.
Love you!
Jane--Nice pictures! Thanks!
We're enjoying spring break, and the girls are spending a few days with my parents in Holland. YEAH!!!!
Take care--praying for you,
Mary Lee
Great pictures! Now we have a better idea of what the ranch looks like. What a view of the mountains! We are praying for you lots!
Love you and miss you lots!
The VV family
Loved the Tour! Thanks!
Love the pictures! Thanks for taking the time to put those on for us. It all looks so beautiful!
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